


A data provider for businesses.

Updated 1 days ago


Clearbit provides go-to-market teams with the industry’s most comprehensive B2B dataset across company, contact, and IP intelligence. Use Clearbit's full dataset to enrich key systems, build products, and power personalization.

Clearbit provides go-to-market teams with the industry’s most comprehensive B2B dataset across company, contact, and IP intelligence. Use Clearbit's full dataset to enrich key systems, build products, and power personalization.

Clearbit provides go-to-market teams with the industry’s most comprehensive B2B dataset across company, contact, and IP intelligence. Use Clearbit's full dataset to enrich key systems, build products, and power personalization.

Clearbit provides go-to-market teams with the industry’s most comprehensive B2B dataset across company, contact, and IP intelligence. Use Clearbit's full dataset to enrich key systems, build products, and power personalization.

Clearbit provides go-to-market teams with the industry’s most comprehensive B2B dataset across company, contact, and IP intelligence. Use Clearbit's full dataset to enrich key systems, build products, and power personalization.


$15M led by Zetta Venture Partners

$15M led by Zetta Venture Partners


Matt Sornson

Matt Sornson


Remote (US)

Remote (US)

Company Size



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